Frank Lampard takes up yoga in bid to last like Ryan Giggs.

Impressed that 39 year old Ryan Giggs is still playing at the top of his game, Lampard has started yoga. He has no plans to hang up his boots at the age of 34. He told the Mirror, “I looked at Giggs when we played United last Sunday.  He was as fit as a fiddleContinue reading “Frank Lampard takes up yoga in bid to last like Ryan Giggs.”


If you’re feeling blue after a long winter, psychiatrists advise heading for a yoga class. Science has now proven that yoga can help people suffering from mental illnesses; depression and anxiety, post traumatic stress, alcohol dependency, eating disorders, ADHD and epilepsy. The Yoga, The Brain and Mental Health Conference in November 2012 brought psychiatrists, scientistsContinue reading “BEAT THE BLUES”

Keep on Practising!

Have you ever looked at someone doing yoga and thought they were born that bendy and that’s why they are able to do yoga? Research and a recent book by Malcolm Gladwell assert that even people who we think of as ‘clever’ or ‘gifted’ have only got to their level of achievement because they haveContinue reading “Keep on Practising!”


          Desk workers’ 9 to 5 – Restore and Revive! Eliminate neck, shoulder and back ache. Sunday 17th March 2 -5.30pm Redwick  Hall Do you sit at a desk for hours, hunched over the computer? Does neck pain, back ache or headaches make you miserable? Do you suffer from stress and find it difficult toContinue reading “NEXT YOGA WORKSHOP”

New Yoga Class

On Wednesdays from 10th April a new class will start at the beautiful Redwick Village Hall, near Magor, at 10 – 11.30am. 6 week course beginning with a free taster session to help those who have no experience of yoga to decide if it’s right for them and give an incentive to those who wantContinue reading “New Yoga Class”

On Doing Less

On Doing Less. Re-posted from – an interesting site with a particular perspective that still manages to put forward lots of practical ideas on a broad range of fitness issues in an open and inclusive way. The time-management ideas are excellent – I shall put them to good use. I have certainly worked on the premise thatContinue reading “On Doing Less”


A recent Independent article introduced the newest fitness options tailored to suit the time-poor. From drinking healthy juices or eating gluten-free food to Aqua Zumba or Ugi classes (barefoot workouts from Canada using exercise balls) there’s something for everyone. Or is there? The Aqua Zumba sessions are likened to a ‘Miami pool party’ and Cardio Tennis isContinue reading “HOT FITNESS FOR 2013”

HAPPY HIPS FOR EVER! The Beijing Osteoporosis Study of 2002 found that a group of Chinese had 80% – 90% less osteoporosis in the hips than a similar group of Americans. One of the reasons attributed to this was that Chinese, whatever their age, rest and work in a ‘squat’ position. Westerners tend to useContinue reading