Yoga & Me

I used to live my life filled with stress in body, mind and spirit, frozen, fearful and unable to find a way to accept myself. To flow and enjoy life. Since studying Hatha Yoga and the Eden Method and turning many corners, I began to feel happy (from the heart) and experienced a purpose I’d not felt before. Having experienced these benefits, I’d love to share them with you and so I’ve brought them together to create a powerful holistic combination for a full, expansive and joyful life.

Remember that we start from where we are. Yoga is for everyone whatever your background or ability to make positive changes in ourselves for the greater good. In this integrated approach we bring awareness into the body; away from what tends to be an over-busy, negative mind to a calmness within us.

I promise you, it is there!

We explore where and how the body wants to move to release held physical and mental tensions, move the body’s energies, bring in spaciousness and health and vitality and build resilience and calm into the nervous system.

You do not need to do challenging headstands or handstands to participate and enjoy the classes. Your personal journey through yoga is more important than whether you can do a one-armed balance! Starting where you are. Which is the only place to start.

And you do not need to be flexible to do yoga. It’s yoga that will help you to become more flexible! Work safely within your own comfort and challenge yourself carefully with awareness in your body.

I have trained in a wide breadth of Hatha Yoga and I love dipping into different yoga traditions and teachers for more inspiration. Mother Nature is always an inspiration; the solidity and strength of trees, the rhythm of the waves on the shore that echo the rhythm of our breath and the remind us to ‘just be’ . The natural cycle of changing seasons reminds us that nothing stays the same. These practises have helped me in many ways over the years and I would love to share the benefits with you for your well-being.


I have a BA Hons and a Post Graduate Certificate of Education.

I’m a registered Diploma Teacher and Member of the British Wheel of Yoga (2007), the governing body of yoga in the UK which seeks to maintain high quality training and teaching standards.

My classes are also registered with the British Wheel of Yoga in Wales

I am an Advanced Eden Method Practitioner EEMCP (2023) with my own private practice.

I have a current First Aid qualification.

Sian Rule Yoga


0787 257 1934

One thought on “Yoga & Me

  1. Sian’s yoga classes are an inspiration. She demonstrates just how flexible and strong you can become with regular practice. With her students she is always gentle, considerate and caring. I always feel I have had a great workout after a class. I look forward to being able to attend more often in the near future. I always recommend her to anyone who is contemplating joining a class. Joyce Dallimore.

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