Not all of us want a Yoga Classes to be a fitness session, or full of gymnastic positions. Another way to practise is to take our time and consciously feel our way in and out of a posture, increasing our awareness of how our body moves and feels. Or if you’re aiming to release pain or restricted movement an alternative way is available.

My classes combine a slow and controlled, mindful approach. We use breathing and meditation practices to work with the energies in the body (such as chakras and meridians from Yoga and Ancient Chinese Medicine  used in Tai Chi). Stretches bring space into the body and allow the energies to unblock.

When we’ve brought balance throughout body and mind enjoying life, relationships and work becomes much easier!


Yoga helps us physically in many ways:

  • Stronger
  • More flexible
  • Greater range of joint movement
  • Better co-ordination
  • Better balance
  • Improved posture
  • Better sleep

The physically benefit are very important. Just as important are the mental benefits we can experience:

  • a greater sense of calm
  • less anxiety
  • fewer worrying thoughts
  • a greater sense of joy
  • easier relationships

Less well-known are its benefits to the Nervous System.

Modern life stresses such as dead-lines, lists of things to do, an argument, traffic disruptions or the computer not working all cause an increase of cortisol without it being released from the body. If cortisol builds up, this can lead to serious diseases including heart problems, cancer or diabetes.

When cortisol is in balance it regulates blood pressure, insulin release, emotions, the immune function and the breaking down of fats in the body.

A slow, mindful approach to a yoga practise counter-acts a build-up of stress and cortisol levels. It soothes the nervous system and builds up its resilience, it activates the para-sympathetic nervous system and it also helps release GABA (a chief neurotransmitter in the brain) that helps maximise the function of the brain.

A slow, mindful practise which I call Energy Flow Yoga helps the following:

  • reduces chronic pain and inflammation
  • improves sleep
  • greater ease and range of movement
  • better flexibility
  • calmer nervous system
  • better relationship with our body image
  • stronger, calmer mind
  • deeper connection with spirituality
  • reduces a dependency on medication, drugs, alcohol
  • reduces fatigue
  • reduces anxiety, depression
  • increases a sense of peace and joy
  • increases a sense of identity, meaning and purpose
  • increasing sense of lightness and ease

Energy Flow Yoga benefits the five most common health challenges:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Depression
  3. Anxiety
  4. Chronic Pain
  5. Body image/weight management

Energy Flow Yoga is a holistic approach that makes us feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. Everything is connected, and as Einstein said ‘Everything is energy’ and Energy Flow Yoga helps us address them all in one accessible and simple practise that everyone can do.





Spirit of Spring – Strength, Growth, Vitality! AlpenRetreat, Austria 12-17 March 2019


Prices – 5 nights, 6 days 735 euros.

Includes accommodation, meals, drinks and all classes. We’ll also be bringing everyone a couple of little gifts 🙂

Book early! Early Bird price, book by Jan 6 and save 60 euros! – 675 euros

Mate’s Rate! – Book before Jan 6 for you and your mate to share a room and save 80 euros each! – 655 euros

Book after Jan 6 and get 40 euros off the regular price – 695 euros

Please add on an extra 15 euros a night for a single room, so a total of 75 euros for 5 nights

360 euros (or 435 for a single room) of the total price is paid to the AlpenRetreat. The rest is to be paid to the teachers. 

We are willing to take monthly payments (teachers fee only – no interest added!) Talk to us!  🙂

Our Retreat

Springtime! the birds are singing, the days are starting to get longer and there’s a new freshness and excitement in the air! Spring marks the end of the winter stillness and silence and the start of a new, active phase in nature

The seeds dormant seeds suddenly start to burst forth and seek light. The trees start to grow their leaves. Animals stir from their long winter sleep….Everything is coming to life

We are a microcosm of nature. When Spring arrives we also have a new energy and a new excitement. We want to go outside more, we start to become more active, making plans and putting our ideas into action. We have a new strength and vitality. We are ready for a new beginning. We clear out…our wardrobes, our houses, our diets. We feel like making make a fresh start. That is the energy of Spring!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we are in the Wood Rhythm or Wood Element. It is a time of new growth, movement and new beginnings. Of clear insight and vision. Of seeing our path clearly and having the strength, energy, creativity and motivation to follow it.

It is a time of making plans and decisions, while remaining flexible and adaptable so that we can move around any around any obstacle with ease and achieve our goals

Just like a tree, when our Wood Rhythm is strong and we have deep strong roots we can grow to incredible heights. and into our highest potential.

We have already planted the seeds, now it is time for our garden to grow 🙂

Click here to find all the retreat details.

Wood Element in Balance

Great vision & insight, good judgement and decision making, motivated, fierce individualism, strength, honest, truthful, solid, dependable, kind, can lead and inspire others

Wood out of Balance

Anger, frustration, resentment, aggression, irritability, inflexibility, insensitive, self destructive behaviour, workaholic, blocked creative energy, depression, restless, feeling of shame or embarrassment or humiliation

Some of the physical symptoms that can occur when Wood is out of balance

Eye problems, digestive problems, high blood pressure, arthritis, hip or knee problems, menopause issues, PMS, gallstones, shingles, tendon and ligament problems, headaches and addiction

We will be aligning our energies with the energies of nature by bringing our Wood Element (As well as the other Elements) into balance. We will be enhancing our strength, flexibility, vitality and ability to see clearly through beautiful Yoga & Qigong practices. Eden Energy Medicine techniques, Dance, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra and Pranayama.

You will also be learning some easy techniques that you can continue to use at home to stay healthy and well balanced. When we know more about our subtle energy bodies and our rhythms and learn to work with them it is very empowering!

Some examples of what we will be teaching:

  • Salute to Mother Earth (a moving meditation)
  • Vrksasana – balance and strength from grounding and lifting upwards

  • Balancing Liver through 3 pointing, Neurovascular point, Adrenal/Liver protocol,

  • Expelling the Venom, neurolymphatics and source point, Meditation on the Liver

  • Strengthening Liver in the Aura – meditation, Flushing etc

  • Strengthening self love through a protocol

  • Balancing the emotions – connecting organ and Liver neurovasculars (meditation)

  • Kundalini Yoga for the Wood Element

  • Five Element Qigong & sound healing/visualisation meditation

  • Five Elements & the associated Chakras, emotions, physical illnesses, weaknesses and strengths and how to bring them into balance.

Schedule – In keeping with the spirit of the Wood Element we will be remaining flexible with the schedule and may change it slightly depending on the weather and the mood of the group  🙂

Tuesday 12 March

4pm – Arrival

5.30 – 6.30pm – Meet & Greet

6.30pm – Dinner

8pm – Gentle movement, relaxation & meditation for sleep

Wednesday 13 March

7.30-9am Morning practice, yoga/qigong/pranayama

9-10am – Breakfast

10-12am – Morning hike

12.30-3.30pm – Lunch and free time

3.30-5.30 – Yoga

6-7.30pm – Dinner

7.30-9pm – Gentle movement/meditation/mantra/yoga nidra

Thursday 14 March

7.30-9am – Daily Energy Routine & meditation

9-11am – Breakfast and free time

11-1pm – Yoga/qigong/meditation

1-3.30pm – Lunch and free time

3.30-5.30 – Sacred Dance

6-7pm – Dinner

7-9pm – Torchlight walk and evening meditation

Friday 15 March

7.30-9am – Yoga/qigong/meditation

9-11am Breakfast & free time

11-1pm Energy Medicine for the Five Elements

1-3.30pm – Lunch & free time

3.30-5.30pm Qigong walking meditation & sound healing

6-7.30pm – Dinner

7.30-9pm – Meditation/yoga nidra/mantra

Saturday 16 March

7.30-9am – Morning walk

9-11am – Breakfast & free time

11-1pm – Yoga/qigong/meditation

1-3.30pm – Lunch and free time

3.30-5.30 – Energy techniques/sound/meridians/chakras

6-7.30pm – Dinner

7.30-9pm – Relaxation/meditation/mantra

Sunday 17 March

Lay in!

9-11am – Practice and goodbye circle

11-12am Brunch

12pm Depart

Our aim for this Retreat is first and foremost for you to relax, recharge and have fun! There will be no pressure to attend every class, if you want to sleep longer one morning or curl up in the stube one afternoon with a good book….go for it!  

What to bring

We will be getting some good exercise and fresh mountain air by taking some lovely walks in the surrounding area, so don’t forget to bring some good walking boots!  

As the AlpenRetreat is situated at 1200 meters altitude in the Austrian Alps the weather could do anything and there might even be some snow still on the ground. So be prepared, bring some comfy clothes for classes and lounging around and also some warmer clothes for going outside. There are a couple of mountain lakes in the area, if you think you might be brave enough to jump in maybe bring a swimsuit – or not if you are happy to go without  🙂

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you there!


To help the energies of the body to flow forwards and release any energy blocks we can do some very simple  exercises (below). This benefits our yoga practice by enabling the body to go more deeply into the yoga postures or asanas, creating space which then helps energy to flow. And that’s why we feel better after doing yoga!

1. Tap Cheek Bones to ground yourself.
2. Tap Kidney meridian 27 points 1” below collar bones to draw Yin energy up from ground
3. Tap Thymus on sternum to boost immune system
4. Tap Spleen points under the armpits to boost immune system and help body metabolise food & drink
5. Zip Up your energy from pubic bone to lower lip up to 3 times
6. Hook Up energy – middle finger in navel, the other at third eye. Press gently in and draw up for a few breaths
7. Firmly rub either side of upper thigh to release toxins from Large Intestine & Small Intestine. Rub down to knees if you have constipation or reverse if you have diarrhoea.
8. Crown Pull – press fingers into middle of forehead and draw away. Repeat over the head and down the neck. Press fingers into trapezius muscles and on an out-breath firmly pull over muscles and release hands.

Note: Tap about 20 – 30 secs and breathe.

The breath moves energy.

Drink water so energy can move.

For more information about Eden Energy Medicine look at Donna Eden, & Prune Harris at






 1. Yoga for Sport & Fitness **  MARCH 7th 9.30am–1.00pm     Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA      – £25 –

Prevent injury in ligaments and tendons: release tightness in hips, hamstrings and shoulders to achieve a lightness and freedom in movement through challenging sequences and unusual postures that stretch the boundaries.  £25

 2. Back to Basics MARCH 21st 9.30–11.30am  Woolaston Hall  GL15 6NW  – £15 –

If you’re a complete beginner or you’d like to go over the basic techniques and principles of Yoga, get to grips with that posture you’ve been puzzled over, or ask questions about ‘pranayama’ you’ve always wanted to – this is the Workshop for you.

 3. Better Backs!   APRIL 4th 9.30am-1.00pm     Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA  – £25 –

Back ache getting you down? In pain? Through safe yoga exercises you’ll learn tension-free posture, how to ease a back in an acute episode, free stiffness and strengthen specific muscle groups for a stronger back.

 4. Simple Meditation & Mindfulness  APRIL 25th 9.30am–11.30am    Woolaston Hall  GL15 6NW     – £15 –

Meditation can be short and simple yet effective in enhancing your life. Whether you want to lower blood pressure, increase concentration or bring a sense of calm to your life, learn different techniques to find what suits you and benefit from a calmer mind.

5. Get Your Good Night’s Sleep.   MAY 9th 9.30am-12.30pm      Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA     – £22 –

This popular workshop is back!  Do you feel everyone else except you has a good night’s sleep? Fed up with counting sheep & dread the night time?  Learn techniques to de-stress and relax body and mind for a rejuvenating sleep the whole night through.

6. Family Yoga   OCTOBER 10th 9.30am–10.30am Woolaston Hall  GL15 6NW     – £8 per adult, children go free!

Have fun and play games with your child while benefitting from the physical postures (improving strength, flexibility and balance) and relaxation together and developing inner qualities of self-acceptance, greater awareness, compassion, communication and focus. Useful tips for smooth bedtimes too!

 7. Simple Meditation & Mindfulness   OCTOBER 17th 9.30am–11.30am Redwick Hall NP26 3EA    – £15 – If you missed it in April, or you’d like another look!

Meditation can be short and simple yet effective in enhancing your life. Whether you want to lower blood pressure, increase concentration or bring a sense of calm to your life, learn different techniques to find what suits you and benefit from a calmer mind.

 8. Yoga to De-stress  & Relax NOVEMBER 7th 9.30am–11.30am   Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA       – £15 –

Have a calmer day every day: especially before the run-up to Christmas! Learn how to release tensions and feel lighter, practice mini ’mindfulness’ techniques and enjoy relaxing, held restorative postures to release and revitalise and breathing practices to calm body and mind whatever the day brings.

 Workshop ‘bring along a friend’ offer – save £2 each off full price. 

AND £2 discount per added Workshops booked at the same time.

Note: ** not suitable for beginners.  Homemade refreshments provided in all longer workshops.

Email me ( or phone 0787 257 1934 to book on to your chosen workshop.

Changing Unhelpful Habits

In introducing the International Festival of Yoga in Haridwar, India this week, speaker Pranav Pandya talked how yoga, culture and spiritualism not only enrich an individual’s life but also contribute richly to a nation as a whole.

Despite yoga focYoung Woman Meditating on the Floorusing on the individual, it is not a ‘selfish’ or ‘egocentric’ activity. If we want to bring about any change in our lives we have to make those changes ourselves. Yoga helps us make changes that are truly going to benefit us. As we develop through childhood and beyond we respond to things – avoiding them if we don’t like them, seeking more if we do. This can create patterns of behaviour that aren’t always helpful, especially if they hide the effects of that behaviour.

Habits can be useful to enable us to do things easily without having to keep our attention there. However, it can lead to our mind following a numerous range of thoughts (Vritti in Sanskrit). When we truly attend to what we are doing we may notice that a sense of calm descends and in that calm a better awareness of how we move and feel and through this awareness we can make subtle changes that help us to be healthier in body and/or mind.

When changes are made within, they are reflected outwardly; in our reaction to events, people, experiences. We may find we behave differently because we have a better sense of ourselves, what we need, what we realistically can or cannot do. If we have freed ourselves from unhelpful habits we release energy that enables us to use it to help others, improve our relationships or help our community. The effects ripple outwards to all around us.

New Class starting at Mathern Village Hall on Friday 2nd May 2014!


Office Worker with Mountain of PaperworkTrial free class on that first Friday at 9.30am to 11.00am. Thereafter £6.50, payable by term or half-term.

Are you looking for a restorative, relaxing class to de-stress and revitalise? This class is suitable for both beginners and more advanced using held positions (at your level) to release tensions throughout the body enabling easier movement and preventing problems arising brought on by built-up stiffness and tensions.  You’ll learn how to relax effectively anywhere, anytime – at work, the desk, looking after children, at breakfast to get ready for your day, in the car or getting ready for a good night’s sleep.

Contact Sian on 0787 257 1934 or



First Workshop for 2014 Two People Gripping Bicycle Handle Bars

Yoga for Sport & Fitness    March 29th 9.30am – 1.00pm Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA

Prevent injury through stretching ligaments and tendons.

Release tightness in hamstrings and shoulders through challenging sequences and unusual postures that stretch the boundaries.

Learn how to let tensions go to achieve a lightness and freedom in movement.

Preventing injuries has made a world of difference to football players like Ryan Giggs and tennis players like Andy Murray who regularly use yoga to keep joints and ligaments moving easily without strain. It is plain to see at how sportsmen and women become injured through repetitive use of muscles and limbs and how vital it is to build in a repertoire of care to avoid injury. After all, if we enjoy doing something, we want to carry on doing it, whatever our age.

Yoga helps to keep vital muscles, such as hip flexors and hamstrings, lengthened for runners and cyclists. Meditation techniques help focus the mind and concentrate on what’s happening in the present. Relaxation stops tensions building up in the body and maintains a sense of looking after the body.

High Intensity Training – updated

Michael Mosley HITReading about High Intensity Training (HIT) and Tabata a few weeks ago, I was concerned that as it was originally designed for the Japan Olympic Team it would be unsuitable, even dangerous, for most people, yet many gyms were advertising it for January 2014.

Since then the media has been publicising the author of Fast Exercise, Michael Mosley’s research and participation into HIT and the benefits for us mere mortals. They include increased sensitivity to insulin to process sugar, improved muscular strength and overall fitness. Perhaps the most attractive aspect in this age of time paucity is that it can take as little as 2 minutes intense activity (plus a few minutes warming up and cooling down) three times a week. Everyone can fit that in! Read the whole article and be impressed!

What I’m not thinking

What I'm really thinking: yoga teacherThe Guardian’s Weekend magazine’s regular article What I’m really thinking is often an interesting perspective and insight into someone’s life.  On 14th December the article revealed the innermost secrets of a Yoga Teacher. As a yoga teacher myself, I was intrigued. More so as a student had texted me asking had I seen it.  As I read, I could hardly believe the content was serious.

The author seemed indeed to have a suspect sense of humour at the expense of their students. I even burst out laughing at some of the ridiculous and farcical thoughts.  This yoga teacher is enough to put off me going to try out the benefits of any yoga class – and I’m convinced that yoga can help all of us one way or another. With that as my motivation, I, like all other yoga teachers I know, try to address our students’ needs thoughtfully with positivity and empathy, not cynical judgment as expressed in the article. That picture of a yoga teacher is not the norm even if you take the view it was simply written to get a cheap laugh.

What do you think? Read the full article through the link below.