Desk workers’ 9 to 5 – Restore and Revive! Eliminate neck, shoulder and back ache. Sunday 17th March 2 -5.30pm Redwick  Hall Do you sit at a desk for hours, hunched over the computer? Does neck pain, back ache or headaches make you miserable? Do you suffer from stress and find it difficult toContinue reading “NEXT YOGA WORKSHOP”

New Yoga Class

On Wednesdays from 10th April a new class will start at the beautiful Redwick Village Hall, near Magor, at 10 – 11.30am. 6 week course beginning with a free taster session to help those who have no experience of yoga to decide if it’s right for them and give an incentive to those who wantContinue reading “New Yoga Class”

HAPPY HIPS FOR EVER! The Beijing Osteoporosis Study of 2002 found that a group of Chinese had 80% – 90% less osteoporosis in the hips than a similar group of Americans. One of the reasons attributed to this was that Chinese, whatever their age, rest and work in a ‘squat’ position. Westerners tend to useContinue reading


 1.   Shape up for the New Year!   Feeling sluggish? Boost your energy and feel alive! *                     Saturday 26th January 10am – 1.30pm After the treats and excesses of the Christmas and New Year breaks, we all check how well we’re fitting into our clothes, whether we’ve put on weight or simply how we’re feeling. SayContinue reading “NEW! TAKE A LOOK AT THE WORKSHOPS FOR 2013”