1.   Shape up for the New Year!   Feeling sluggish? Boost your energy and feel alive! *                    

Saturday 26th January 10am – 1.30pm

After the treats and excesses of the Christmas and New Year breaks, we all check how well we’re fitting into our clothes, whether we’ve put on weight or simply how we’re feeling.

Say goodbye to that sluggish feeling and those extra pounds. Get your circulation moving again, give a boost to your energy and jump into the new year with a spring in your step!

2.   Desk workers’ 9 to 5 – Restore and Revive! Eliminate neck, shoulder and back ache.

Sunday 17th March 2 -5.30pm

Do you sit at a desk for hours, hunched over the computer?  Got neck pain, back ache or headaches? Do you suffer from stress and find it difficult to relax?

Learn techniques to eliminate those aches and pains, sink into that perfect stretch and safely ease out tensions. Before you know it, you’re sitting upright and your body breathes a thank you…it’s at ease again.

 3.   Fitness, stamina and strength – for Summer, sport and a full life. *

Saturday 18th May 10am – 1.30pm – NOTE: now Sunday 19th May 9.30-1.00pm

We all want energy for doing all the things we love to do as the days lengthen and we stay outside till the last minute of sunlight and beyond. We want to feel alive, fit and full of energy to enjoy our running, cycling, swimming and more.

Come along to enjoy an energetic morning full of unusual postures – a holistic work-out through the whole body, stretched out from tip to toe, to leave you tingling with vitality and that ‘let’s get out there’ feeling! In the words of that famous ad – life is not a spectator sport!

4.   Improve your back health and be pain-free.

Sunday 14th July 2 – 5.30pm

Back ache getting you down? In pain? Do you get out and about as much as you want to?

In this workshop we’ll let go of tensions and replace them with a sense of lightness and freedom. Through specific, safe yoga exercises you’ll learn tension-free posture, free stiffness and strengthen muscles for a strong and healthy back.

You’ll enjoy deep stretches and a relaxation to de-stress. And you’ll learn life-long tips for keeping back and body in top condition, so there’s no missing out on anything!

5.   Improve your posture, increase your core strength and stand tall.

Saturday 14th September 10am – 1.30pm

Do you have back pain? Know you slouch? Would you like to sit or stand upright? It sounds simple, and it is. Learn techniques you can fit in to your daily life, strengthen your abdominals and lift up through the spine. You’ll walk taller and more confident!

6.   Learn techniques to de-stress, relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Sunday 10th November 2 – 5.30pm

Fed up with counting sheep? Do you get stressed not dropping off to sleep? Feel tired and lethargic? Dread the night time?

Learn techniques to relax body and mind and set up a relaxing bed-time routine for a rejuvenating sleep. Experience a Yoga Nidra relaxation and return home free of tensions.

Note : * not suitable for beginners.

All workshops £30, including homemade refreshments.

Just £25 if you bring along a friend.

Email me ( to book on to your chosen workshop.

       British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher.

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