First Workshop for 2014 Two People Gripping Bicycle Handle Bars

Yoga for Sport & Fitness    March 29th 9.30am – 1.00pm Redwick Hall  NP26 3EA

Prevent injury through stretching ligaments and tendons.

Release tightness in hamstrings and shoulders through challenging sequences and unusual postures that stretch the boundaries.

Learn how to let tensions go to achieve a lightness and freedom in movement.

Preventing injuries has made a world of difference to football players like Ryan Giggs and tennis players like Andy Murray who regularly use yoga to keep joints and ligaments moving easily without strain. It is plain to see at how sportsmen and women become injured through repetitive use of muscles and limbs and how vital it is to build in a repertoire of care to avoid injury. After all, if we enjoy doing something, we want to carry on doing it, whatever our age.

Yoga helps to keep vital muscles, such as hip flexors and hamstrings, lengthened for runners and cyclists. Meditation techniques help focus the mind and concentrate on what’s happening in the present. Relaxation stops tensions building up in the body and maintains a sense of looking after the body.

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