Yoga for Pregnancy

pregnant womenPregnancy is enhanced by the practice of gentle yoga poses, quiet periods of bringing the awareness to the breath and the growing baby within. The Daily Mail online has published an article about Hilaria Baldwin’s favourite poses for preventing back-ache during pregnancy.

The Spanish born yoga teacher has produced a video on but as some commentators mention she only suggests physical aspects of yoga and omits to mention some of the other aspects of yoga such as meditation and breathing practices which help to calm the mind and connect within. Another says she needs to go through the whole experience before she advises others.

What do you think?  Read the whole article at

TO ADD (02/06/13):

Always go to an experienced teacher to guide you through this special time. Specialised classes will bring another dimension to your pregnancy, but always listen to advice to stretch gently to avoid stressing joints and over-stretching ligaments which are so much more pliable during pregnancy.

To read further, try any book by Wendy Teasdill.  Yoga in Pregnancy, published by Gaia books gives excellent advise on the body and mind at this time, the changes women go through, suitable stretches and short meditative practices, tips for the best birth possible and how to attune to each other and move on through life together and with your baby.

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