Inspired by the Olympics?

Don’t just collapse while you watch the games and let your muscles get as soggy as your sofa…use the time to build up your own muscles and core strength.
Sit on the edge of the sofa (if you’re not already!) lifting your pelvic floor, gently pulling your navel back towards your spine and up. Or pile cushions on the floor and cross your legs for joint flexibility and lift up and out of your pelvis. Also try keeping one of your legs extended for lengthening the hamstring. Be sure to swop leg positions.
Be creative too – take your feet wide for an inner thigh stretch or have a sitting balance such as navasana, bringing ankles and knees together and raising shins to parallel with floor. Raise arms in line with shins and engage abdominals again.
Enjoy the spectator sport of yoga infront of the TV and show up the couch potatoes!

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